Translation Service

As a designer you want more people to be able to buy your patterns.  As a buyer you want to be able to read the pattern you bought.  As a crochet/knitting website owner you want people to be able to read the text on your website.

There’s a perfect solution for that = my translating service!

Have a look below at how it works and see if it’s right for you.

I can translate from:

English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian, German and Indonesian

I translate to:

English, Dutch and French

My experience:

I have lots of it!  I speak several languages on a daily basis.  I reply to customers in their own language.  I translated my whole website and all my own products myself.

I have already translated for several people, including, Margot from Haked, Christel De Vuyst, Nerd Princess Designs, …


This is a pattern I translated for to Dutch:

How long it takes:

If I have no other translating work at that moment then it can be done in less than 2 days (normal size pattern).

If I am still working on another translation, then yours will be done as soon as the one(s) before yours are translated.


You can send me your payment directy with PayPal or Credit card in the form below

Receiving the translated file:

You will receive the translated pattern by email as soon as I have receive your payment.

How It Works


If you are in need of the translated text urgently and wish me to translate for you before those who came first, then I charge 5 €/$ per 250 unique words.


A very long pattern/text will take more time to translate of course.  If you want me to translate a text of 5000 or more words in only 2 days time, then it’s also 5 €/$ per 250 unique words.  This is because translating a very long text in such a short time will require me to do a lot of over-time.



Contact Me For My Services

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